Gladney Blog

Adoption Fundraising With Small Business Partner

Written by Katye LaNier | 9/18/18 8:25 PM

Adoption fundraising can seem overwhelming when you first get started. We wanted to provide some tips and ideas to help as you consider how fundraising can assist your family pay for adoption.

One way to fundraise for your adoption is by partnering with a small business – someone you know who owns their own business, a business in your community that supports family or adoption, or a small business you’ve seen doing other fundraisers.

  1. Call or email to see if that company is interested in doing a fundraising partnership for your adoption. When looking for a small business you can approach, check out their website and social pages. You can think about family owned companies, businesses that allow a parent to stay home or have more flexibility to be with their children, businesses who are philanthropic, companies who do other fundraisers. The answer may be no, but you’ll never know if you don’t ask! (sample message below)
  2. Work out the details – what is the day and time the fundraising collaboration will take place, what percent of proceeds go to your adoption, are there specific items that are included or not included, do participants need to use a code when checking out or mention your adoption fundraiser? Can they include a card that goes to all those who participate that says something like “thank you for investing in our family” or whatever you’d like to say to express your thanks! Discuss payment and how and when proceeds will be shared. Will they be sent directly to your agency, to you first, etc. Please note, raising funds to cover adoption fees don’t count as a tax deductible donation.
  3. Start getting the word out! You can do social media posts, create flyers, text and call your friends, family, & community that supports you and let them know about the day. Ask the company if they’ll also do some posts on their social networks and in their store if they aren’t an online only type place. It’s great exposure for both parties! Be sure to talk about the event the day before and day of to remind folks that your fundraiser is coming up. Ask your people (friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, etc.) to get the word out about your fundraiser.
  4. Do a follow up. Tell people how much you raised and how much closer that gets you to your goal. You can post a photo of the cards or thanks you that you’re sharing. Talk about how this impacts your family.

Below is a sample message to get your ideas flowing! Remember to make it your own & use your voice, that is what will resonate with someone.

Dear (Business Owner name),

Our family is in the process of adopting and we’re hoping to do some fundraisers to help offset some of the cost. I noticed your company is (insert something you think would make them interested in an adoption fundraiser) and I wanted to reach out to see if you do any fundraising partnerships, like giving a certain percentage of proceeds of sales to individuals raising money. I know many of my friends and family would love to buy (whatever it is they sell) and because of that I think it would be a successful fundraiser, exposure for your company and assistance with our adoption expenses. I would love to talk with you more about our story and why we’re adopting if you’d be interested. Please let us know what questions you have!

Now you can support other fundraisers you see, provide support to another family trying to fundraise, and share about your fundraising experience with us! Email your story (and photos too!) to

If you have questions about fundraising or other financial aspects of adoption, please reach out to our Senior Vice President of Finance.

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