Gladney Blog

Gladney Holiday Artwork Contest

Written by Gladney Center for Adoption | 10/31/19 8:36 PM

Traditions make the holidays a special time for children and their families, and we have traditions at Gladney, too!

We are looking to our Gladney Babies—young & old—to get creative with decorating our wintry, Gladney-themed color sheet. One entry will be chosen for the front of Gladney’s holiday card, which we mail to some of our Gladney Friends each year. All entries will be posted on social media for viewing.

To participate:


  • Mail original color sheet, along with this form, to Sonia Leal, Gladney Center for Adoption, 6300 John Ryan Drive, Fort Worth, TX, 76132-4122.

Child’s First Name and Age of the winning design will be published on the final cards, so please write the Name and Age on the color sheet as you would want them published.