Gladney Blog

Jack - Bright Futures 2020

Written by Gladney Center for Adoption | 5/3/20 3:33 PM

Parent Quote 

I was excited to return to Russia for Jack's adoption court, which was in a different city than his Baby House. Our family, and the other Gladney family traveling with us, was waiting in a hotel room when the group from the Baby House arrived. When Jack came into the room he burst into tears! Before the day was over, he wouldn't leave my side. When we finally arrived back in the US and met family and friends at the airport, it was Jack's (then) 3-year-old brother - also adopted from Russia - who, "sealed the deal". The first thing he said was, "Where's my new brother?" I knew this was a family meant to be.

From the Graduate 

For me adoption is just the way my family was created. I'm looking forward to college and hopefully a career in the sports industry after that.

About Jack

Jack's passion is sports. He played many seasons of recreational league flag football and basketball. In high school he was on the varsity wrestling team, track team, and junior varsity basketball team. For the past two years he managed the boys’ varsity basketball team. Jack also earned the rank of Eagle Scout and was involved in many service opportunities throughout high school, including Backpack Buddies, reading with elementary students, and helping build a church in Costa Rica with other members of our church. Jack will be attending college in Illinois and plans to major in sports management.

Write a comment below congratulating Jack on his accomplishments and encouraging him in his future!