Gladney Blog

Jenae Is Running For Gladney | TCS New York City Marathon

Written by Natalie Bowen, LMSW-TX | 10/30/19 5:30 PM

Jenae is a Gladney Mom, and she will be running the 2019 TCS New York City Marathon as part of Gladney's charity team. In addition to physically training, she has been fundraising to support Gladney in creating bright futures through adoption. Thank you, Jenae!

She shared, "This race happens to fall on the weekend when we finalized our son Jett's adoption one year ago! I couldn't think of a better way to honor him and Gladney. This experience and the training have been HARD just like our adoption journey, but more so, it's been amazing and filled with LOVE, support, and lots of prayers. I am a Gladney Mom, and I couldn't be prouder of that title. My favorite Gladney memory is placement day at Gladney—meeting our son Jett for the first time and watching our older son Maddex become the best big brother! Gladney will forever have a special place in our hearts. They walked us through some of the hardest days of our lives and were there for some of the best. I could not feel more honored to represent #TeamGladney in New York!"

Watch Jett's adoption placement video below:


Contribute to Jenae's fundraiser by clicking on her photo.