Gladney Blog

Jessica - Superkids Update!

Written by Superkids Team | 11/28/23 7:30 PM

Oh my! What a little sweetheart! Jessica is a darling 18 month old baby girl we met while we were in Taiwan earlier this month. She is described as calm and quiet. That is, until she wants to be held, then she will use her voice and cry to let you know what she wants. She is easy to soothe when she is upset. She just likes to be cuddled. And if that isn’t adorable I don’t know what is.

Little Jessica was born prematurely. She has epilepsy, hydrocephalus, and suspected vision issues. She receives OT, PT, and ST every morning at school. When we were in Taiwan she had just received a wheelchair for use while she is at school.

She smiled when the caregiver called her name, but had difficulty tracking with her eyes. She did vocalize in response to the caregiver speaking to her. She enjoys when others interact with her, but she does not normally initiate interaction.

Jessica is a precious baby girl with so many challenges ahead of her! She needs a family who will provide her with all the love, snuggles, and everything else she needs to thrive. Could she be your daughter? For additional information please contact us at To see more photos of Jessica, request to join Gladney's PRIVATE Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook.    

*Don’t forget to register for our next virtual information session to learn more about adopting from Taiwan.*