Gladney Blog

Juliana - Bright Futures 2020

Written by Gladney Center for Adoption | 5/16/20 7:43 PM

Parent Quote

Placement Day was filled with excitement. Big sister was dancing around the hotel room singing, "I'm going to be a big sister." We arrived at Gladney and Juliana was placed in Mommy's arms while Daddy and big sister gathered around. We marveled at her black hair and equally black eyes. She had such a tiny nose. She was just a little bundle of happiness. Juliana's laughter is heartwarming, her smile lights up a room and her joy is contagious. We are so blessed to have her in our lives.

From the Graduate

Adoption to me means being placed with a family that will show you how to love life. It shapes who you are. I have learned to be open minded, caring and aware that not every family is perfect. Having Gladney as part of my story has shown me that all families are different, yet perfect in their own way. I have a life that is diverse and welcoming. Adoption has given me a life I would not trade for the world. Adoption has taught me that you should not judge a book by its cover because no one really knows what is going on in another person's life. Being adopted has shaped my future in many ways. I would like to adopt children of my own and work in a place that can help others achieve their goals as I have achieved mine.

About Juliana

Juliana graduated from Chaminade Julienne High School. She played soccer for her high school team and her very successful club team. Juliana served as a Service Rep for three years in high school. She was also involved in Students in Action and Communications Club. In her junior year, she interviewed and was chosen to participate in a year-long program with other area high school students called Junior Leadership. She went to summer school in order to graduate with five years of Spanish earning college credit at the same time. Juliana was accepted at her dream school, Ohio State University. She plans a dual major in Spanish and marketing or communications.

Write a comment below congratulating Juliana on her accomplishments and encouraging her in her future!