Gladney Blog

MATCHED!! Meet Jackson, a Superkid

Written by Superkids Team | 6/8/21 1:26 PM


Meet Jackson! Jackson an adorable 2-year-old boy and we are so excited to tell you more! 

Jackson has a stable and gentle personality, sleeps soundly at night, likes rice very much, and likes playing on the slide and peek-a-boo. Jackson is able to follow simple instructions from his caregivers and often initiates play with others, although he can be protective of his toys like many 2-year-olds. Jackson will wave 'bye-bye' and likes to imitate his peer's actions like climbing and playing.

During a recent observation, Jackson clapped his hands and laughed loudly. When he saw another child crying, he even went over to pat and comfort the child. How sweet! Jackson has a strong curiosity, likes exploring new things, and adapts well in new environments. Jackson has some developmental delays. He can sustain his attention appropriately for his age and attends physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy on a regular basis to improve his cognitive and speech abilities. He has been living in the same group home since March of 2019 and gets lots of love by his various caregivers and social workers.

We still have much more information on Jackson so please contact for more information! Also, be sure to join our Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group   on Facebook to see his photos and videos! Could your family be the one he needs?