Gladney Blog

Meet Jasmin {Taiwan}

Written by Superkids Team | 2/17/22 6:44 PM

Meet Jasmine!  Jasmine is an adorable 5 year old born in 2016.   

In order to protect children’s privacy, our partner agencies in Taiwan have strict rules regarding photos of children that can be shared publicly. To see additional photos (and possibly even videos!) of Jasmine, please be sure to request to join our private Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook.

Jasmine has a happy disposition and loves to laugh! She is not shy and likes to interact and play with others. One of Jasmine's favorite activities is spending time and playing with her favorite cousin, who is the same age as her. Jasmine also has a close bond with her foster parents and has an affectionate relationship with them.      

Jasmine has a Cerebral Palsy diagnosis with global delays. She attends occupational therapy and hydrotherapy once a week. Over the course of her therapies, she has made improvements with her mobility and can walk by herself. At home, Jasmine's foster mother has her practice walking up and down stairs and using a kick scooter to continue with her exercises.  

Jasmine is currently in pre-kindergarten, and one of her major accomplishments was to memorize 1-30, and she can recite these numbers when quizzed! Jasmine's speech skills have also improved throughout the school year, and she spontaneously requested a "glittery pair of shoes" recently.  

She has waited long enough. Could she be your child? Contact us at to review Jasmine’s profile. To view additional pictures and videos of Jasmine, please request to join Gladney’s Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook 

*And don’t forget to register for our next virtual information session to learn more about adopting from Taiwan.*