Gladney Blog

Meet Jeremiah

Written by Mary Chapman | 10/1/24 2:30 PM

Jeremiah is a young child who finds great joy in the simple pleasures of childhood. He delights in playing with his toy cars and balls, rolling them across the floor and watching them zip and zoom. Jeremiah also loves to watch the adventures of the Paw Patrol pups, their heroic rescues and amusing antics capturing his attention whenever the show is on. On weekends, Jeremiah's foster parents take him and the other children to the local park, where he eagerly explores the playground equipment. The tall, twisting slide is a particular favorite, Jeremiah giggling with glee as he slides down its smooth surface. For unfamiliar structures at the park, Jeremiah first observes cautiously before mustering the courage to join in the fun. His natural curiosity and sociability allows him to seamlessly integrate with any groups of children he encounters.

At home, Jeremiah cherishes the playtime he shares with his foster brother. However, Jeremiah maintains a wary distance from household pets, becoming physically tense and nervous if a cat or dog ventures too close. He prefers to watch them from behind the safety of his foster parents. Still learning self-care, Jeremiah diligently works on tasks like brushing his teeth, washing his face, and dressing himself, though he relies on the gentle guidance of his foster mother. Although he is not afraid of strangers, Jeremiah warms up to new people after observing them for a while. His stable, sunny disposition and affectionate nature shines through as he cuddles happily in the arms of his foster mother. Though easily distracted, Jeremiah remains engaged with the world around him, his keen curiosity evident in everything he does.

If you think you might be Jeremiah's future parents, please contact us at to review his profile!


To protect a child's privacy, Taiwan has strict rules limiting public photos of children.  To see more photos of Jeremiah, request to join Gladney's PRIVATE Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook.