Gladney Blog

MATCHED!! Meet Joanna {Taiwan}

Written by Superkids Team | 10/12/21 1:44 PM


As of today, October 2021, Joanna is 4 years old. Joanna has a gentle personality. She likes to ask for hugs and often acts cutely for affection. She is not shy with strangers and has no stranger anxiety even when she is held by a stranger, or when her caregiver leaves the room temporarily.

It’s easy to tell when Joanna is happy! Her smile is the cutest, and although she isn't speaking yet, we do have an adorable video of her laughing. Joanna is very interested in people and will roll her body towards her caregiver and other children. She is also curious about toys and things that make sounds and lights. She can make sounds by patting toys with her hand.

Joanna has been diagnosed with epilepsy and cerebral palsy. She takes anti-seizure medication and has not has a seizure in over one year. Joanna currently eats mashed foods, has received great occupational therapy and is learning to sit up with the assistance of a rolling ball. Although Joanna has global developmental delays, her personality shines through! In April of 2021, Joanna had the opportunity to attend a Child Development Center for full days, Monday through Friday. More recently however, due to the pandemic, her caregiver has been providing learning stimulation at home.

Please contact to inquire about Joanna! Also, be sure to join our Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook to see photos and videos of Joanna!