Gladney Blog

Mia - Bright Futures 2020

Written by Gladney Center for Adoption | 6/2/20 8:13 PM

Parent Quote

And just like that, there you were. Your beautiful, broad face with rosy cheeks and shiny black pigtails, and a look that said: who are you? You didn’t seem to mind us. You took it all in. Silently. The only time you fussed was when you were hungry and even then, it was a gentle prodding—come on now, I’m hungry. Feed me and all will be well. You were ours and we were yours. Just like that.

From the Graduate

My family is built on adoption. Three out of the four of us are adopted: my dad, my brother, and me. Even though none of us are biologically related, it is comforting to see traits and mannerisms in myself that I learned from my parents. If adoption didn’t exist, my family wouldn’t be the way it is, and I wouldn’t want to change my story to be something different.

About Mia

Mia was in band and robotics throughout high school. She served as front ensemble and section leader in wind ensemble and as president and lead programmer for the robotics team. She was in the National Honor Society and the top 25 of her class. Mia is in her 11th year of piano, and she enjoyed playing for others at nursing homes, church, and community events. Mia also loved bringing STEM activities to children at local library and scouting events. Mia will be majoring in architectural engineering.

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