Gladney Blog

Natalie - Bright Futures 2019

Written by Gladney Center for Adoption | 5/17/19 7:52 PM



We were scared out of our minds when we first saw our screaming daughter in the hospital. She is the light of our lives and makes us proud every day. She has much love to give and we know she will have a happy and successful life.


From Gladney I have learned about love and appreciation. I’ve learned to appreciate everything I’ve been given. I’ve also learned love, loyalty, and the will to sacrifice is what makes family. My life now is wonderful. I’m incredibly happy with where my life has led me and I’m very grateful for everything positive in my life.


Natalie participated in many extracurricular activities throughout all her years in school. She was a Girl Scout for 10 years, during which she volunteered many hours to her community and learned much about leadership. She was also active in her church’s youth program. She participated in church events and community service events as well as mission trips and youth choir tours. Natalie was also involved in her school’s FFA chapter. She raised a pig this year and she participated in veterinary career development events with FFA. Her dream is to become a veterinarian and to do veterinary research.

Write a comment below congratulating Natalie on her accomplishments and encouraging her in her future!