Gladney Blog

Rhiannon- Bright Futures 2021

Written by Gladney Center for Adoption | 6/5/21 8:47 PM

Parent Quote

Our second ride on the emotional roller coaster of adoption resulted in bringing home a beautiful girl named Rhiannon. Instead of the challenge of a newborn this time it was a toddler who was 14-months old already walking, knew her name, had likes dislikes and a brand new sister. The process was very emotional, yet we felt so blessed to see the world in new ways through the eyes of this beautiful, smart, loving and silly young lady. We are so proud of our Senior!

From the Graduate

When I think about Gladney, I feel grateful because it was Gladney that provided the path to unite me with my family. Adoption has given me a happy secure life with loving parents, a sister and a bright future.

About Rhiannon

Rhiannon will be graduating from Gulf Coast High where she was active in marching band. She plans on attending a 4 year university in Florida to study Psychology and hopes to pursue a career as a child counselor. 

Write a comment below congratulating Rhiannon on her accomplishments and encouraging her in her future!