Gladney Blog

Sarah - Bright Futures 2019

Written by Gladney Center for Adoption | 5/17/19 7:35 PM



The whole process of adoption seemed that it would never end and then it was over. The final call from Gladney was scheduling our placement and the words, “You can go shopping now.” The Placement Room where you feel the birth family's emotions while going through our own was an emotional roller coaster. The easy drive from our home to the old Gladney facility in Fort Worth and the terror of the drive home in rush hour with our Sarah in the back seat. Then being home, so happy and the dawning realization you are now responsible for a child.


When I was young, I thought Gladney was Six Flags. After the barbecues and parties we attended, the memory had stuck that Gladney meant roller coasters. In a way, I think that the roller coasters at Six Flags are a great thing to compare Gladney to, as well as what life is like as an adopted child overall. Getting to see pictures and knowing where my nose and chin come from was something I couldn’t fully grasp when I was younger, but now is something I’m incredibly grateful for.


Sarah graduated summa cum laude in the top 10% of her class and received scholarships that will cover her entire tuition. She plans on attending the University of Central Florida to pursue her undergraduate degree in biomedical science and hopes to one day work at her own medical practice as a general practitioner. She plans on continuing to follow her passion for singing and music by joining the UCF University and Women’s Choirs.

Write a comment below congratulating Sarah on her accomplishments and encouraging her in her future!