Gladney Blog

Taiwan Day 2 {Cathwel}

Written by Gladney Center for Adoption | 10/31/23 5:30 PM


What a fun day! We saw so many sweet children today. We started out the day seeing Jean. She sure doesn’t let CP slow her down! She is a happy child who loved when we all clapped. So, of course, we found many reasons to celebrate with her.

Do you have any idea how fun it is when a quiet little boy comes in and slowly warms up to the point that, by the end of your time together, he is running, laughing, and playing? I can assure you, it is most satisfying. He was also very pleased with his Lego set. Which reminds me that I forgot to give one to his youngest sister and she let one of the social workers know that she is big enough to get a Lego set! Don’t worry, I made sure one went home with her.

I think one of my favorite moments was when a little not-quite-2-year-old boy was feeling overwhelmed and decided to sit very quietly and do nothing despite all of our efforts. His caregiver tried and showed us videos of him being very active and happy, but he was just quiet. I thought it was funny. There were 8 adults in the room, but when a baby decided he would rather sit and have a snack, we all just sat and watched him eat.

We also met Jianna. Oh my, what a sweetheart! We were all smiling the whole time she was in the room just because her responses were so very sweet!

Another little sweetie cooperated quite well, but it was getting late and she was just so tired! She nearly fell asleep mid-screening.

We had such a productive time at Cathwel. We saw many new children whose files should be completed soon. And we left with many hopeful wishes that we can return again in the spring.

Tomorrow we go to ChungYi!


Make sure to follow our Superkids Facebook page and private Taiwan Advocacy group.