Gladney Blog

Taiwan Day 4 {Chung Yi}

Written by Superkids Team | 11/2/23 3:00 PM

It’s hard to believe that our time seeing children is over. We met 54 children between Cathwel and Chung Yi. They were all children we had never met in person.

This morning we met a few matched little girls first. There is nothing quite like starting your day off playing with babies! But it was no less fun when the elementary age boys came a little later. Their reactions and antics had us laughing and applauding. And their excitement over the Legos we gave was fun to watch.






We ended the day with a hot pot feast. It should hold us over until the next time we are here to eat the delicious food!


Now the last child has been seen. The last paperwork is tucked safely in the suitcases to travel home with us. The developmental toys are packed away until the next time we come. The last goodbyes to the orphanage staff are said. We are ready to begin the long trip home tomorrow. 

And that’s when the real work begins. Updating matched families and advocating to find families for the ones who aren’t matched. It’s fun to follow along on these amazing trips! It’s fun to go on these amazing trips. But that’s only part of what Superkids does. The goal is to bring children home. For us that work doesn’t end when we get home. 

So keep following, keep sharing our posts. That is an easy way for everyone to help the kids we’ve seen. You never know when your share will be the one that helps a family find their child.


Make sure to follow our Superkids Facebook page and private Taiwan Advocacy group.