Gladney Blog

Top 5 Post Adoption FAQs

Written by Emily Morehead, MA, LPC | 7/9/18 7:38 PM

With over 130 years of creating bright futures through adoption, you can imagine that Gladney's Post Adoption Department gets asked the same questions many times.

Top 5 FAQs

What does the Post Adoption Department do?

Gladney's Post Adoption Department serves all members of the adoption triad. We believe in Family for Life - Every adoption is a lifelong journey. Family for Life is about ensuring that our families are cared for and supported through every step of that journey. The Post Adoption Services team brings together parent education and training, clinical support and support resources to enhance the lives of all members of the Gladney family. Our comprehensive and professional services extend far beyond the post adoption services required by law or offered by most other agencies. Most of these services are provided to our clients at no cost. Check out our general Post Adoption Page.

When can the adoptee talk directly to the Post Adoption team?

Once the Gladney adoptee turns 18, the decisions transition from the adoptive parent to the adoptee. Our team also facilities the Texas Voluntary Registry for birth parents, birth siblings, and adult adoptees as well as Records Requests.

As an adoptee or a birth parent, how can I request my adoption records?

If you were adopted from Gladney or placed a child through Gladney and are interested in requesting copies of your Gladney post adoption records, please click on the link below that describes your adoption, print the appropriate form and mail it to the address on the form. Gladney is happy to provide you with information in your Gladney adoption file.

How do I connect with my biological family?

Texas State Law changed in 1984 to allow the establishment of a registry system, which provides a means for contact between adoptees, age 18 or older, birth parents, and biological siblings in instances of mutual consent. Gladney Center for Adoption maintains its own Registry in accordance with Texas law, and a "match" through our Registry, which would allow contact, occurs when both an adult adoptee, age 18 or older, and birth parent(s) or siblings, age 18 or older, independently register. Make sure to check out our webinar about the Texas Registry.


How do I contact the Post Adoption team?

You can email Post Adoption at or call 817-922-6000. We're here to assist you.