Gladney Blog

MATCHED!  A Superkid Update on Kelby

Written by Superkids Team | 6/10/21 7:20 PM


A Superkid update is in! We have new information to share about Kelby since his previous post, and we are very happy to report that he has made tremendous advances and progress in his learning and concentration skills! Kelby previously had difficulty concentrating which affected his grades in school. Since Kelby began taking medication this year, it has effectively shown to improve his concentration in schoolwork, and his test scores in all subjects are all 90 points or more. We even have a recent report card to share with you, indicating his high marks and great rapport from teachers. Kelby is proud of his grades and is quick to share his good marks with his social workers. 

Kelby's focus and concentration has improved, and his thinking ability has become active and rapid. He is now able to focus on activities like Lego puzzles and can complete them correctly within 15 minutes of active concentration. 

If you considered Kelby before, now is your chance to take a second look! Kelby deserves a loving, forever family and is working hard to learn and grow. Be sure to join our  Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group   on Facebook to access his adorable photos and videos! And please reach out to if you are interested in learning more!