Gladney Blog

Sara - Bright Futures 2022

Written by Gladney Center for Adoption | 9/29/22 5:45 PM

Parent Quote

As new parents, we were thrilled to see how healthy and energetic she was. We were able to share many of Sara's firsts; first tooth, step, and haircut. The amazing thing is how much she looked like us and we couldn't wait to see her grow up.

From the Graduate

I was glad that my parents shared that I was adopted. I love that I get to celebrate Gotcha Day, look at my adoption album, and get extra presents. I'm glad to have shared this with my "orphanage roommate" Kathryn and all the trips we took together, especially Disneyland. She's my real BFF.

About Sara

Sara enjoys theatre, dance, photography, writing, and yearbook. She will be attending Shreiner University in the fall where she will study graphic design.

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