Gladney Blog

Join My Family in a Gladney Holiday Tradition

Written by Stacey DeStefano | 11/4/21 2:42 PM

In our house, we have many holiday traditions. We get our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving, we attend our local Gladney breakfast with Santa, and we bake! This year, I hope you'll join us as we add a new tradition—having our kids submit an entry for Gladney's holiday card. 

Every year, some friends of Gladney get a holiday card, and your child’s creation could be featured! One entry will be chosen, and all entries will be posted on social media for viewing.    

To participate: 

  • Please write your child's first name and age on the coloring sheet as you'd wish for them to be published.
  • Email scanned digital submission (colored sheet and entry form) to  

 Happy coloring! I can't wait to see all the entries!   

Stacey DeStefano

Gladney Adoptive Mom of 2

Communication Vice President, Gladney Family Association National Council