Gladney Blog

Update on Joshua {Taiwan}

Written by Superkids Team | 11/3/21 2:29 PM

This just in! Gladney’s Superkids Program is excited to share new updates on Joshua! Read his previous post. As of now in October 2021, Joshua is nearing 8 years old, and he is a true ray of cheerful sunshine! Joshua loves going to school and is a ‘teacher’s pet’. His teacher often praises him and has given him the job of distributing student workbooks because he has memorized the names and student numbers of all his classmates. Joshua is still eager to go to school and has adjusted to taking online classes daily due to the pandemic. We also learned that Joshua looks up to the mayor of his city. During an annual dinner party for foster families, Joshua received a red envelope and homemade cookies from the mayor. Joshua cherished these gifts deeply and when he saw others taking pictures with the mayor, he asked the mayor to pose for a picture with him!   

Regarding his medical needs, Joshua continues to go to the hospital for a follow up every three months to assess his mild scoliosis. Currently, the doctor has instructed him to avoid carrying heavy objects and wear a waist support belt. Joshua is still taking medication to help sustain his attention and has monthly checkups to assess medication dosages.  

To see updated photos and videos of Joshua, please request to join our Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook! To learn even more about Joshua and view his full profile, please contact