16 Year Old, Female, Black
Desiree is a very sweet, sensitive child who is on a quest to find her identity. She loves to receive one-on-one attention and enjoys going new places. She is learning to think more abstractly and this skill shows through her poems and artwork. Desiree loves to write music, sing, and dance. She able to hit the really high notes and aspires to sing powerful notes like Whitney Houston. Her favorite type of music in general is gospel. Desiree loves attending Christian churches where she is able to express her faith through praise and worship. Desiree wants to be a part of a family who will create a forever home for her. Desiree likes knowing what to expect, and dislikes surprises. She loves being "motherly" towards younger children.
An ideal family for Desiree will be a two-parent household who supports and encourages her faith. Her family will be open to her maintaining contact with her biological family, if deemed to be in her best interest through her supportive services. A parent who is able to provide individual attention and build a connection with Desiree is ideal. She would like to own a dog, but states that it is not a deal-breaker. Desiree will benefit from being cared for by a family who is patient, experienced in parenting, and offers a structured home.
Information Meeting | Choose Agency | Application & Family Home Study | PAT Training |
You will need to attend an information meeting in your area where you will get the basic information about adopting a child from Texas Foster Care.
Choose a child-placing agency to assist you in adopting a child from Texas Department of Family & Protective Services.
Gladney will help you complete the application process, which includes paperwork, personal references, medical history and a home study.
Parent Adoption Training is a required course for parents who wish to adopt a child from the state foster care system. This three day competency-based program is designed to prepare prospective adoptive parents for the challenges of parenting children that have experienced past trauma. |