
Posted by Superkids Team on 12/29/15 8:02 AM
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Gladney SuperkidsFelix is an active 10 year old boy who is ready to find his forever family.  Felix is currently in elementary school where he gets good grades.  He is adventurous, outgoing, playful and lively.  You should see the other photos of him that we have – his personality really shines through!
Felix gets along well with both adults and his peers at school and in the orphanage.  He enjoys playing with Legos, riding a bike, playing video games and playing ball games.  He has actively participated in the English lessons proved by volunteers.
Along with an older half brother, he has been in care since he was two years old.  Due to adoptive parent illness, Felix and his brother had an adoption fall through before being placed with the family, and this has crushed his heart.  He has seen many of his friends leave with their forever families and asks when it will be his turn.
Gladney Superkids
Felix has shown some attention deficit issues and hyper activity. He has been prescribed one pill of Ritalin daily and has shown improvement.
For more information on Felix, please contact Gladney Taiwan Program Caseworker, Mary Chapman at mary.chapman@gladney.org
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