SuperKids Adventure Program: Changing Lives in New Jersey

Posted by Gladney Center on 2/7/25 6:26 PM

New Jersey is a state that thrives on family, resilience, and heart. From the bustling streets of Newark and Jersey City to the quiet neighborhoods along the shore, families here know what it means to show up for others. This summer, families in New Jersey, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Utah have the opportunity to participate in the Superkids Adventure Program, a unique experience fostering connection and cultural exchange with children from Colombia, the Philippines, and Taiwan.

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Topics: Taiwan Adoption, Colombia Adoption, Hosting Program, Taiwan, International Adoption, Hosting International Children

How to Participate in the 2025 SuperKids Adventure Program

Posted by Courtney on 2/3/25 11:27 AM

Right now, an 11-year-old on the other side of the world is wondering about his future family. He’s been in care since he was five.

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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Colombia Adoption, Taiwan, International Adoption, Hosting International Children

Honoring Hispanic Heritage in Transracial Adoption

Posted by Courtney on 10/15/24 4:19 PM

At Gladney, we understand the importance of honoring and celebrating the cultural backgrounds of every child, especially in transracial adoptions. This Hispanic Heritage Month, we encourage adoptive families to embrace the richness of Hispanic culture, particularly when adopting from countries like Colombia, Ecuador, and the Dominican Republic, where Gladney facilitates international adoptions, in addition to families adopting Hispanic children from the foster care system. 

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Topics: Colombia Adoption, Ecuador Adoption, Dominican Republic Adoption

Colombian Child Adoption Advocates Receive Training

Posted by Bill Porter, M.Ed. on 10/11/17 4:53 PM

Sometimes in your life you find yourself doing something that you never imagined.  Last week was one of those times for me.  It all started a few months ago when Frank Garrott, CEO of Gladney, told me he wanted me to conduct a training in Bogota, Colombia for the National Colombian Adoption Unit.  Before I could respond, he let me know that he had already promised the training to the officials and to go ahead and buy my ticket. 

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Topics: Colombia Adoption

Mark Melson Reflects On Colombia Adoption

Posted by Mark Melson on 9/7/17 2:06 PM

I had the opportunity to travel to Colombia a couple of weeks ago to visit with our orphanage partner and ICBF (the Colombian equivalent of our CPS system in the US).  Two very productive days and I’m excited for the future growth in Gladney’s Colombia Adoption program

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Topics: Colombia Adoption

Learning About International Adoption from Colombia

Posted by Gladney Intern on 10/3/16 11:56 AM

   Hi, my name is Alex and i'm learning the ropes of International Adoption from Colombia. I am a Senior at Texas Christian University (Go Frogs!) getting my undergrad degree in Social Work with a minor in Child Development. I fell in love with the idea of working in foster care and adoptions when my brother and sister-in-law decided to foster three children not too long ago. So far I have been able to see some exciting things here at Gladney and I am thrilled I get to share my experiences with you. 

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Topics: Colombia Adoption, Gladney Intern Blog, A Day in the Life of a Gladney Intern

Last Day As Colombia Gladney Intern

Posted by Gladney Intern on 7/30/13 12:01 PM

It is with mixed emotions that I am finally saying goodbye to being the Colombia intern. I am so excited to learn about what else is out there, but I have become so comfortable and in love with Colombian adoption. It's going to be hard to leave. Luckily, Beth and Angie are both on the service trip to Colombia this week, so I don't have any tasks piling up, which makes it physically easier to leave, but emotionally I really am going to miss working with the whole intercountry team. When I started this internship, I had NO idea what to expect. I didn't know much about adoption to begin with, and I knew even little about Colombia especially Colombian adoption. Now, I feel educated on so much regarding the whole process, and I feel like my Spanish has gotten a teeeeeennnyy, tiiinnnyyy, eeeensy, weeenssyy bit better. Thank you so much to everyone I've worked with; from Beth giving me my weekly list of to-dos and answering my numerous questions to Suzanne and Camille helping me figure out the oh-so-frustrating copy machine, I am so grateful for all of you, and I hope you know how much I appreciate you and admire the work y'all do for this wonderful place. I have learned so much from this experience and this organization as a whole, and I promise to carry everything I have learned here with me in my future. Gladney truly has captured my heart.

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Topics: Colombia Adoption, Gladney Intern Blog

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