I have one of the most precious children to introduce today. A couple of years ago Chelsea and I saw this sweet little boy in one of the rooms in the orphanage we were visiting. He seemed to want to be part of the action, but he wasn't on our list of children to see. Of course, Chelsea being Chelsea that made no difference whatsoever to her and she sought him out to make friends. I don't know which of them enjoyed it more, but I do know that both of them cried when they had to say goodbye.

We have seen Leo twice since then and every time he is so sweet and happy, enjoying every moment of interaction.
Leo is 9 years old and has cerebral palsy and epilepsy. He walks with the assistance of a walker and can walk a few steps by himself. He speaks in complete sentences although his speech is hard to understand.
Our notes on Leo are filled with exclamations such as "so fun!", "engaging", "easy to play with!", and "sweet smile!".

Leo is a child who would thrive in a family! He so desperately needs therapy and to be able to be educated to reach his full potential. Could he be your son?
Please contact Keely O'Dell at keely.superkids@gmail.com for more information about Leo.
And please share this post! YOU could make difference for him!