Gil At Last!

Posted by Superkids Team on 1/8/16 1:00 PM
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Gil is one of our sweet little boys whom we have met many times. I think the first time I remember playing with him we just went into his room to see another child. There he was with his cute little grin and we snapped pictures and played for a bit before we had to move on. That was in 2013.

Gladney Superkids

We have met him several times since then and requested that his paperwork be prepared, so we are really excited to say that he is now available for adoption!

Gil has beta thalassemia. He is getting monthly blood transfusions right now. He will be 7 very soon, wouldn't it be great if he celebrated his next birthday with his new family!?

Gladney Superkids

Gil is a smiley little boy who loves drawing, coloring, and putting together puzzles. He speaks very clearly and follows directions. He takes care of his own personal needs. He can count to 100 and is learning to read.


Could Gil be your son? Please contact April Uduhiri at for more information.

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