Hannah {Under Consideration}

Posted by Superkids Team on 1/13/16 12:00 PM
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Gladney SuperkidsJust look at this little sweetie!

Gladney Superkids

Hannah is a lovely 2 years old girl who likes to play with blocks. She walks independently and can pick up toys that fall to the floor. She can get blocks out of their container, bang them together, put them away and close the container. That sounds pretty good for a 2 year old to me! She is curios about new toys and when she is finished playing with toys she helps to put them away.

Gladney Superkids

She is learning to speak and says simple words such as mama and jie jie. She sometimes imitates 3-5 words sentences. She understands what what is said to her and follows simple instructions.

Hannah has complex CHD. She appears to be developing well and to be such a sweet, quiet little girl!

Could this precious little girl be your daughter? For additional information please contact April Uduhiri at april.uduhiri@gladney.org.

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