Magnificent Mac {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 1/26/16 4:30 AM
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Mac is a 10 year old boy who is currently living in foster care. He is described as having a gentle and strong nature. He attends school and is even learning some English. He enjoys playing with his foster brother and swimming in the community pool. He likes to play games on the computer and watch cartoons. 
Gladney Superkids
Mac needs a family where he can feel safe and loved. He has four younger siblings who are also available for adoption, however as he does not have much of a relationship with them, it is suggested that Mac be placed in a separate family. 
Gladney Superkids
Mac has experienced some difficult things in the past and sometimes acts out because of them. Detailed reports are available. Mac is suspected to have ADHD and some mild learning delays.
For more information on Mac, including photos, please contact Taiwan Program Caseworker, Mary Chapman, at
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