Happy Hope

Posted by Superkids Team on 1/29/16 4:30 AM
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Hope is such an outgoing, happy little girl! She loved coloring in the coloring books we had with us when we visited with her in September and especially liked if one of us would sit and color with her.

Gladney Superkids

She is almost 10 years old. She has albinism. She does well in school and says that her favorite subject is math.

Gladney Superkids

Her foster mom described her as outgoing, affectionate, and talkative. She gets along well with other children.

Gladney Superkids

Her favorite activity is hula hooping and her favorite food is bean sprouts. Her speech is clear and easy to understand. She follows directions and is good at copying pictures.


Hope is a sweet girl who needs a family. Could she be your daughter?

Gladney Superkids
Please contact April Uduhiri at april.uduhiri@gladney.org for more information.

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