Meet Mason! {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 2/2/16 8:09 AM
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Mason is a cute little boy with a sweet smile who is just celebrated his 7th birthday. His caregivers describe him as good-natured and noted that he has bonded well with them. He is currently in the first grade and his teacher reports that he is usually lively and playful at school. 
Gladney Superkids
Keely Farkas, Mary Chapman, and Gongzhan Wu in the hotel in Taipei.
Mason loves to draw, paint and play sports. He enjoys playing with toy cars, balls, and riding on a scooter. 
Mason has some developmental delays. He recently participated in play therapy where he learned a lot. His counselor noted that his ability to recognize and control his emotions greatly improved, along with his sense of self-confidence. 
For more information on Mason, please be in touch with Taiwan Program Caseworker Mary Chapman at
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