Handsome Hunter

Posted by Superkids Team on 2/15/16 12:00 PM
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I have a handsome boy to introduce today! See what I'm talking about?

Gladney Superkids

Hunter is 9 years old and has a right hand deformity. Apparently this deformity doesn't keep him from doing anything he wants to do!

He lives with a foster family and I had to laugh when I read in his file that he tries to snatch cookies with his right hand! Sounds like a 9 year old boy, doesn't it!?

Gladney Superkids

He is in public school and is considered an average student. He speaks clearly and follows directions easily. He plays soccer, runs track, and enjoys other sports.

Gladney Superkids

He is very friendly around people who are familiar to him but is more reserved with people he doesn't know.

Could this handsome boy be your son? Please contact April Uduhiri at april.uduhiri@gladney.org for more information!

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