Wonderful Wednesday!

Posted by Superkids Team on 2/17/16 12:00 PM
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Instead of Wordless Wednesday we are going with Wonderful Wednesday today because, well, I have a lot to say!

There is so much going on right now! We are planning our April trip. The team is settled, itinerary is close to being nailed down, the tickets are bought (or at least in the process of being bought)!

The Team for Superkids April 2016:

Keely Farkas
April Uduhiri
Darla Wrage
Martha Osborne
Erin Martin
Nancy Dobsin
Nancy Meyer

Nancy Meyer will be participating in the Superkids Camp but then also joining us for a few days in the Jiangxi province since the team will be dividing and we need another photographer for those days.

But that's not all that's happening! We are also deep into planning the Superkids Camp! We have had a great response, but we are still looking for prospective adoptive parents who are interested in going! We are planning a conference call for anyone who is interested in learning more, we would love to have you join us! Get more information here.

That is still not all! We are also planning a lovely gala to raise funds to benefit our little Superkids! It is thanks to funds raised at this type of event that we can now make 2 trips to China each year and reach so many more children! You are all invited and we would love to see you there! Get more information here.

It really is a wonderful Wednesday!

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