Advocacy Camp- Day 1!

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/11/16 1:30 PM
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Today we kicked off Gladney's very first advocacy camp in Shanghai.  Our group of advocates is diverse, with a China adoptee, a number of prior-adoptive parents, & even an adoptive grandmother who wanted to play and get to know the amazing Superkids.

Gladney Superkids

We arrived at the orphanage and jumped right into a day of fun with the kids.

These are amazing kids!! Our advocacy camp team played ball & balloon catch...



And more bubbles!



And even just picked up the kids and raced around the room!!

It was great to see how each advocate seemed to gravitate to one or two special kids.  The pictures speak for themselves!  It was an amazing day!

Tomorrow the advocacy team will get to spend another day playing and getting to know these amazing kids.  

Gladney Superkids

We adore these kids and hope that each one of them finds their perfect family.

Gladney Superkids

Stay tuned! We will have more updates throughout advocacy camp week.  What a unique and wonderful opportunity this is for the advocacy camp and for the superkids.  We will share more from China soon!

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