On To Changsha!

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/13/16 6:19 PM
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Today our group, which consists of the Superkids team and the advocacy team, left Shanghai and flew to Changsha.  It was a bumpy ride but we made it safely.  

Gladney Superkids


In the afternoon we went sightseeing and learned about the city Changsha.  We soon learned that Changsha is called the burning stove for a number of reasons.  Changsha is known for it's spicy hot food.  It is also one of the top four hottest cities in China.  Even in April we got to experience the heat as we walked around Orange Island.  
Gladney Superkids
The island has a large statue of chairman Mao.  When he was young, he used to work in the city and swim across the Xiang river to go hiking in the mountains.   He would rest on the island before swimming he rest of the way across the river.  
Gladney Superkids
We can't wait for tomorrow when we get to meet some new children from the Changsha welfare institute. 
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