Memorable Moments: Week 1

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/15/16 7:09 PM
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Meeting a foster mom who is doing an amazing job caring for a little girl with Down Syndrome (whom I affectionately nicknamed “biker chick”).
Reconnecting with local staff who care so much about the children they dedicate their lives to, like Katie from Butterfly Home.
Seeing Landon again and hearing about how well he is doing in school, and that he loves computer class and chess! 
Crossing the street with only one tiny brush with a mope head!
The food!
Meeting and spending time with the passionate and caring women participating in the advocacy camp this week.
Week one is coming to a close and the advocacy camp team members are heading home, but the Superkids team is gearing up for week 2 in Jiangxi, Fujian and Zhejiang provinces. Stay tuned!​

Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, China

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