There is one little boy on my mind tonight, as sit in a hotel room in Ningbo, thinking back over our time here in China. He needs a family to step forward for him soon!
Little Lawrence is 6 years old, he is diagnosed with developmental delay. We had so much fun with him and we were so impressed with how much he seems to have grown up in the last 6 months!

He sat at a little table and played with trucks and blocks for a long time. He was so funny! He imitated everything we did. So we pushed a stack of blocks over with a block and he did the same. I drove a little truck over toward him and made truck noises. He also made truck noises.

When the advocacy camp volunteers spent time with him they noted that he followed directions really well. He had a blast playing with Legos (and was very protective of his box of Legos!) and with bubbles.

We lose Lawrence's file soon and it makes me sad that no one has seen how precious this little boy is and moved forward to make him their son. Could Lawrence be your son?
Please contact Mary Chapman at for more information!