Dashing Drake! {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/26/16 8:31 AM
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Drake is an adorable 5 year old boy. Drake enjoys calm, quiet activities. He loves playing with cars and drawing. He attends a day care and enjoys group activities led by his teachers. 
Drake is shy with new people, but will become more open once he feels comfortable. He thrives when given help or encouragement when trying new activities. 
Gladney Superkids
Drake has anemia and had Hepatitis C. Drake has been attending early intervention and has shown improvement in his daily functioning and relationships. He is able to take care of his self care needs, with a little help from his foster mother for things like bathing and brushing his teeth properly. 
For more information on Drake, including photos and videos, please contact Taiwan Program Caseworker Mary Chapman at mary.chapman@gladney.org
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