Dashing Dylan! {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 5/24/16 12:30 PM
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Dylan is so darn adorable.  He came into the room sporting his little jeans and plaid button up shirt - full smile, with the tiniest hint of a dimple, and the most adorable ears! Ok so he stole my heart… He is petite but don’t let that fool you. He is full of laughter and fun!
Gladney Superkids
Together we played ball, cars, and blew bubbles. His laughter is contagious. When he giggles he squeaks. I can still hear it now… his giggles, the squeaks and the full face smile!
Gladney Superkids
Dylan was well aware of all the activity, his warm brown eyes were always gazing around the room to find the next adventure. No matter what was asked of him he tried. He loved stacking the cups with Keely. He even let her take a look at his special leg braces that he wears for mild celebral palsy. I still remember his black, white and hot pink socks. He giggled as his tiny feet came out of the braces. He is really doing well, he can stand and walk alone. 
Gladney Superkids
This precious, not quite 2 year old, is just way too adorable! He is in search of his forever family. He is looking for a place to call home with a mommy & daddy to snuggle, blow bubbles and laugh often… Could this be you? 
Please contact Mary Chapman at mary.chapman@gladney.org for more information.
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