New Files! {Oh Yeah!!}

Posted by Superkids Team on 5/27/16 11:28 AM
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I just got that email that I love to get: New Files Assigned!

Gladney Superkids
See, Leroy is excited too!

It holds so much excitement and so much promise! New kids to advocate for, new sons and daughters soon to be introduced to families! Some of the kids we have known for a while. I can't wait to see where these sweeties end up and who the lucky families are who will get to bring these little ones home!

Gladney Superkids
Dewey is wondering if his mama is looking at this post.

I won't introduce them all right now, but I can't help giving you a little sneak peek!

Gladney Superkids

Can you understand why we are excited around here?!

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