Oh my goodness! Nancy!

Nancy loves to give hugs! All you have to do is open your arms out and this sweetie jumps right into them and snuggles in for a long hug. Martha Osborne so totally fell in love with this little darling when we visited her in April. She is the one who gave Nancy her advocacy name.

Nancy is almost 4 years old and has Down syndrome, post operative CHD, and low thyroxine.

She gives thumbs ups, is speaking a few simple words, and blows kisses. She needs help getting dressed,but puts on her own shoes. She has started potty training. She is good at imitating and her caregivers describe her as sweet and engaging.

Nancy needs a family of her own. Anyone's life would be brighter Nancy's hugs in it! Please contact superkids@gladney.org for more information.