Meet Lonnie!

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/22/16 8:08 AM
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Lonnie is a darling little 20 month old baby boy who loves to cuddle. Just look at those kissable little cheeks!

Lonnie has Down Syndrome and an extra digit on his left hand.

He rolls over, sits without support, and babbles. He likes to listen to music and watch TV. Which makes me laugh just a little. Can you imagine how this little one would thrive in a family!?

Our Advocacy Camp team spent time with him and all said he was such a cuddle bug! This sweet little one needs a family to call his own! Could Lonnie be your son? Please contact April Uduhiri at  for more information about bringing him home!

Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Waiting Child, China

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