Delilah {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 11/19/16 10:42 AM
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Sweetness overload warning... meet Delilah! Her soft round brown eyes and fluffy hair... oh the sweetness. She shares a precious relationship with her foster dad. The bond and connection was so amazing to experience.
Gladney Superkids
Ever so tiny she amazed us. With guidance from her foster dad she was quick to show us her skills. From playing with the stacking cups, blocks, the light up stick and story books... She even showed us how tall she was as she stood proud. A truly sweet moment when she saw her reflection in the mirror and gave it kisses. 
Gladney Superkids
Delilah sees the cup as half full rather than half empty... she is in hope of finding her forever. She will thrive in a loving family that will treasure her connection just as much as she does. We have so much information to share so ask away. Could Delilah be your precious brown eyed daughter? To review Delilah’s full profile, please be in touch with Mary Chapman at
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