Hadley is such a smiley, happy little girl!
When we met her in October, she loved playing and laughed as Douglas spun her around and put her at the top of the slide. He would help her slide down really fast and she quickly learned to say "again!" as soon as she got to the bottom of the slide.
She is 5 years old and has quite a list of diagnoses. She has complex CHD, for which she has received surgery. She also has hemiplegia on her left side. Her liver is on the left and her spleen on the right. But I can tell you that is not what you think about when you meet her!

She walks on her knees mostly, though she can also stand and walk. She is quite the little go-getter, jumping as she races after the ball! She speaks clearly and in complete sentences. She follows commands and answers questions. She stacks blocks and her cute little dimple pops out as she grins when they fall over.
Little Hadley needs a family. She has so much potential and could go so far with the medical care and support she needs to thrive! Please contact us at superkids@gladney.org for more information!