
Posted by Superkids Team on 12/19/16 9:35 AM
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Charley is almost four years old and loves listening to music and laughs when he is tickled. He has cerebral palsy and is unable to do much on his own, but he observes the room with interest and i would love to know what he is thinking behind those big, beautiful eyes!

Speaking of eyes, you should have seen his light up when he saw our little light up helicopter! He isn't speaking much but does vocalize with sounds like "aaahhh" and "mmmmmm".

This sweet little one spends his days in a crib or propped up watching the other children play. He deserves so much more than that!

Could Charley be your son? Please contact us at for more information!

Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Waiting Child, China

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