
Posted by Superkids Team on 2/1/17 7:35 AM
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We have posted about Rosie before. We have shown her videos and her adorable little pictures. We have met her, held her, seen her slowly warm up and start to play with us. We are losing her file soon and we have not yet had a family who is ready or able to take a chance on Rosie.

Rosie is 4 years old. Her fontanelles closed earlier than they should have and she has a brain scan with some abnormal findings on it. She is developmentally a little behind her peers. But she is learning! She is growing! She is doing so well!

Please take a chance on Rosie. She is worth it. She deserves a family. Please contact us at for more information. We would love to speak with you!

Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Waiting Child, China

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