MATCHED!! Max {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 2/21/17 7:23 AM
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Max turned 5 years old in December. We met this sweet boy during our trip last May and are hoping to see him again during our next trip. Max is a gentle boy with a very cute smile that lights up his whole face. He was pretty shy when we met him but warmed up the longer he was with us. 
Gladney Superkids
He came to meet us with his foster mother. She told us that he loves playing and helping to take care of younger children. We witnessed this ourselves when some younger children came into the room – he wanted to play with them and was even using our phones to take pictures of them!
Gladney Superkids
Max loves music! His foster mother told us he loves to dance whenever he hears music. He also likes to imitate what others are doing, especially other children.
Gladney Superkids
Max has epilepsy, renal and ureter dysplasia, and delays. He attends school and also attends early intervention. Could Max be your son? We have lots of information on this cutie! Please contact Mary Chapman at Your Email  To Keep Up To Date on Waiting Children

Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Taiwan

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