Update on Dale! {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/4/17 7:45 AM
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We just received Dale’s full profile from our partner agency in Taiwan and let me just tell you…not only did we get his full social history, medical reports, and developmental information, but we also got videos. These are some of the cutest videos I have ever seen – and this is not something I say lightly because we get a lot of cute videos!
Each video gets progressively more adorable! Since we can’t share them publicly on the blog, you’ll just have to trust me! In the first video he is reading aloud from a storybook. His smile at the end shows how proud he is to stand and read for everyone in the room. In the second video he sings along to a song playing from an iPhone – such a sweet voice!
Then came the third and final video – this one is what really takes the cake! He performs a dance/exercise routine to a video that he has clearly watched below. He is so good that he probably doesn’t really need to watch the video - he has the moves down! He performs each move cleanly and has a good rhythm with the music. And at the end there’s that same proud smile.
Dale is an awesome 7 year old boy who would thrive in a forever family! He is healthy with no medical or special needs. He is described as kind and shy. In his profile it states that he recited the full multiplication table from memory to the social worker – impressive! He loves drawing and is said to be a talented artist. Could Dale be your son? Please contact Taiwan program caseworker, Mary Chapman, at  mary.chapman@gladney.org to review Dale’s full file, including the amazing videos!

Topics: Superkids, Taiwan, Uncategorized, Waiting Child

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