An Update for Dennis! {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 4/11/17 7:36 AM
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We recently received Dennis’ full profile from our partner agency in Taiwan. We were able to meet Dennis during our last Superkids trip, so it’s exciting to finally have his profile to review!
Gladney Superkids
Dennis’s caregivers note that he has good attachment to his caregivers and will often give them kisses. He enjoys playing with the caregivers, especially working on puzzles and pretending to cook. Dennis also loves to ride a bike with training wheels, and is said to be pretty fast! He knows his colors and shapes, and can count to 5. Dennis is in preschool and his teachers say he gets along well with his peers.
Gladney Superkids

Dennis is currently participating in speech and language therapy. Dennis has Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) and overall delays. We have full medical information, developmental information, and social history for Dennis. If you’d like to review his full profile, please be in touch with Taiwan program caseworker Mary Chapman at

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