
Posted by Superkids Team on 6/6/17 11:32 AM
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Sweet, smart, and sensitive are words used to describe Darwin. He will be turning 9 years old in June and he has very minor needs.  Darwin loves to dance and sing. He made known that his all-time favorite song is Party Animal from the band May Day. 
Gladney Superkids
Darwin was asked his favorite color and he replied it was yellow. He enjoys his Chinese classes in school, but his favorite subject is PE. He also likes reading about history in Mandarin. He bravely told us that his least favorite subject is math. 
Gladney Superkids
Legos are Darwin’s favorite toy. The volunteers gave him a set of Legos but he wasn’t keen on that set so he politely asked in English if he could trade them for a different set.  He said “Thank you” when given the new Lego set and happily opened the set and quickly put it together. Once the set was together you could hear honk honk, vroom, and screech sounds coming from his direction. He was in his own little world cheerfully playing with his new Legos. 
 Gladney Superkids
Darwin really wants a forever family. He is well prepared for being adopted and understands the big adjustment it will be – but he’s up for the challenge! Could this cheerful guy be your son? Contact Mary Chapman at  mary.chapman@gladney.org for more information.
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