Meet Nova!

Posted by Superkids Team on 6/6/17 8:18 AM
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This precious, adorable little girl is turning 3 next week. So an early happy birthday is in order, I think. Wouldn't it be awesome for her to get a family for her 3rd birthday?

Gladney Superkids

Nova is described as lovely and sweet. She has Down syndrome and CHD (ASD). She is growing and developing well. She walks and jumps, she crawls and goes up steps with assistance.

Gladney Superkids

Nova likes listening to music and doing motions to songs along with her nannies and the other children. She likes to be held and cuddled. She says a few words and follows simple instructions. She seems to be doing great, and she is just so cute!

Nova has a $4,000 grant through Gladney.

Please contact us at for more information about making this darling little girl your daughter.

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